About Alex

SLL_9600I am an adventurer at my core. My favorite adventure buddies are my wife and daughter. Some of my favorite projects include writing an international travel blog and hosting a sports talk radio show. I have developed content for multiple nonprofits, a university, a healthcare company, a law firm, and a business executive – to name a few. I graduated from the University of Northwestern—St. Paul and am pursuing a Master’s of Media Arts from Dallas Theological Seminary. I love to tell compelling stories. Technically, I do professional writing and editing, and I can match the voice of any client. Personally, I tend to talk a lot (just ask my family). If you want a sports debate, bring your best take.  I love to travel and take pictures, and I always find myself drawn to the ocean. Night or day, if you need me, I’m probably awake. If you want to get together, I am a big fan of good cookies.