Alex is an ambitious storyteller, and believes there is always more to the story. As a professional writer and editor, Alex thrives on helping you tell compelling stories. Let Alex make the words say exactly what you want people to know.

Panel 1

About Alex

SLL_9600I am an adventurer at my core. My favorite adventure buddies are my wife and daughter. Some of my favorite projects include writing an international travel blog and hosting a sports talk radio show. I have developed content for multiple nonprofits, a university, a healthcare company, a law firm, and a business executive – to name a few. I graduated from the University of Northwestern—St. Paul and am pursuing a Master’s of Media Arts from Dallas Theological Seminary. I love to tell compelling stories. Technically, I do professional writing and editing, and I can match the voice of any client. Personally, I tend to talk a lot (just ask my family). If you want a sports debate, bring your best take.  I love to travel and take pictures, and I always find myself drawn to the ocean. Night or day, if you need me, I’m probably awake. If you want to get together, I am a big fan of good cookies.

Panel 2


By nature and practice, Alex is a writer. Projects can include content creation, newsletters, press releases, and ghostwriting. A master of adaptation, Alex quickly and accurately matches the desired tone and voice for any project. He will make you sound like you, only better.

From papers to newsletters to manuscripts, Alex is a detailed editor. He can quickly make technical corrections and even offer suggestions for structural overhauls. The end result is a polished, coherent piece with absolute technical correctness.

With an eye for color, Alex loves capturing moments in time. His photographs freeze a glimpse of creation and preserve it for the pleasure of those who have not been there on their own.

Panel 3

…the blog

This blog has no boundaries. The posts can be about any topic. The length can range from snippet to novel. The time of publishing can be any hour of the day. The motivation can be anything.

All’s fair in love and war – and this begs to be both.

Every post will be titled starting with an ellipsis. The system is simple – each post is a blog on the following title. Blog on… whatever comes next.


…so-called innocents

In the wake of yet another school shooting, myriad news sources will continue to talk about the loss of “innocent” lives. To be so clear – those children, those teachers, did not deserve to die. They did not invite brutal violence; no one dared them to pack their lunches for the last time. To the…

…love at first sight

I never believed in love at first sight. (Sure, when I first saw my wife I thought she was cute. That’s not love, that’s common sense.) Really, I applied my skepticism to everything – pizzas, experiences, girls. I definitely believed in “appreciate at first sight,” because I absolutely saw some pizzas and thought, “Man, that…

…having it all together

About a year ago, I started this blog post – or at least I saved the first draft of this post. It took several trips back to the computer to piece together what I felt like saying. I couldn’t invent the feeling of heaviness; the words needed to happen in the moment, and the moments…


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Panel 4
